Wednesday, March 25, 2020

An Excellent Teacher Who

Gives clear instructions Manages time effectively Varies the lesson Talks less Explains clearly Presents the lesson well Listens to the students carefully Controls the class well Communicates with the students well Assess the students fairly Comes to class on time Keeps surprising students with new activities Realizes his mistakes and avoids them Encourages students all the time Motivates students all the time Keeps his class active all the time Uses the board professionally Breaks the boredom in class and likes changes Keeps reading all the time about the latest techniques and methods Understands his students Plans, organizes his materials, class and ideas well Deals with students as a friend, father, father, mother, brother, sister and educator Creates new ideas in teaching Challenges himself to be productive Makes students love the learning process Shows students his interest in teaching Makes students feel comfortable in class Keeps monitoring students in and out of the class Uses ICT in and out of the class Becomes to new ideas

Corona and The World

I am writing these words to talk about one of the deadliest diseases in the world which started in China in 2020. This disease is called CORONA or COVID 19. The world, the powerful people, presidents, princes, kings,leaders and all the superiors are mesmerized, paralyzed and frozen when they hear about this disease. They feel powerless, coward, and useless against this disease. It's the power of Allah, the hidden power that everyone on earth must knee and pray to God for forgiveness. We must pray for hours, minutes, and seconds to ask for mercy. God will sure end this black death soon not because of us but because of the kids and elderly people. We all need to think twice and go back to God and purify ourselves from sins and think of poor who are dying almost every second. We have to think of the people who are dying on wars every second everywhere in the world. We ask God to help us and keep us safe and sound.

CELTA Course

Hello everyone, This is the first course I dropped in my life because of a health issue. I did regret it because I was hopping to do the CELTA and earn new experience and knowledge. iw as enthusiastic, hopeful and excited about doing the course. Unfortunately I was interrupted by a sudden symptoms that prevent me from continuing the course. The course was great, the participants were super and the instructors were outstanding. These characteristics make me glad to proceed and face the challenge.I did my best but I reached to the point that I surrender and gave up accidentally. I din't believe that I left till this moment. I promise myself and my family that once I get better I will join another course and proof to all that I deserve learning and grasping new theory and techniques in teaching. I adore teaching and learning so my dream is to keep learning new notions and interacting with educators and experts about teaching and learning. I do thank all the participants in the course, the instructors, and the EC management especially Candice and David. Wish you all the best.