Friday, February 24, 2012


Hello everybody,

This week I have this wonderful and super bookmark. It is called "Pearltrees". You can do a lot with this bookmark.

-You can share files and websites.
- You can get thousands of websites easily.
- You can have friends.
- You can share other interests.
- You can manage your pearl easily
- You can search for any title you want.

Finally thanks Russell Stranard for this wonderful bookmark. I am really glad that I am using this bookmark. You need only to have an account and it's for free. You can have your own pearltrees.
Just visit

Thank you

Week Seven

Dear instructors, Sean and participants,

I would like to welcome and thank Sean for his contribution to this week. In this week I would like to talk about the learning and teaching processes. I really feel worried and anxious about coping with such processes. What makes me worried is the way that we should manage these processes. I do concentrate on the learning process much more than the teaching process. We need to pay much attention on the learning process because it is our main goal. Our goal is to improve and enhance the skills in our students. This is why the teachers keep searching and finding the suitable technique to use while teaching. In this week all the participants and myself try our best to come up with a well organized lesson plans and we did other activities regarding planning. I learn a lot this week from my dear instructors and my friends. I won't forget the" Learner Autonomy" which is a great subject that we read about. I read several articles about this subject and I found them interesting and useful to me. They help me a lot to realize the importance of the learning process. In this week we are trying to prepare for the final project and we chose partners so that we can work together. This is an excellent idea that comes from the instructors. Pair work is a means of collaborative learning and it gives the chance for all to learn from each other. This is a brilliant technique to use in order to encourage the participants to share their thoughts and ideas. I thank the instructors, Sean and the participants for making this week great.